Lionheart Apparel Maronite Cross T-shirt (Large)

  • 100% Combed Cotton
  • Athletic Cut
  • Made in America

Product Description
Symbol: Maronite Cross Symbol History: The three horizontal bars of the Maronite Cross represent the unity of the triune God - the three persons of the trinity. The Lebanese flag is red, green, and white, with the prominent characteristic being the cedar tree in the center of the flag. The red stripes symbolize martyrdom and self-sacrifice, and the white represents the snow-capped peaks of Lebanon's mountains. The cedar has been used as a symbol by the Maronite Christians of Lebanon since the 18th and 19th centuries. The comparison between the Maronite Cross and the cedar tree is unmistakable. The tree represents peace, immortality and tolerance. Scripture Passage: The phrase "The Glory" is short for "The glory of Lebanon", which is mentioned twice in Isaiah, 35:2 and 60:13: "The glory of Libanus shall come to thee, the Ar tree, and the box tree, and the pine tree together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary: and I will glorify the place of my feet." Is. 60:13 (Amidst the present-day destruction of Lebanon, we pray that our country will one day rediscover its glory through lasting peace).

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