What can help you children smart?

What can help you children smart?

Any parents want to have a smart child so they rush to let their child take part in music or sign language classes. Nonetheless, these classes seem too complex for children. So, the parent can apply these tips to help their children smart without negative effects on children.


1. Follow child's lead


Do you know that your casting assessment on their learning value can stop your children's learning opportunities? You children will study better when they are encouraged to learn what they interested in. they can get knowledge in everywhere. For instance, they can learn math in cooking, history in board games and science in making mud pies.


2. Tell as you go


When your child is an infant or a toddler, you should talk to him or her while you do housework, tell him or her about your work as well as what you see on the way for walk. When it comes to older children, you can share stories in society, work, and family.


3. Share the world with child


Experiencing in fact is useful for children to understand what happen around them. Therefore, by giving your children opportunities to discovery the world like going to museums, parks, nature centers, theaters, etc, you are creating knowledge foundation for them.


4. Read with child


Reading is actually helpful for the children even when they are in the womb. You should read with them although they are possible to read by themselves because reading together can link all members in a family. So it is not harmful to let you child know you are also interested in a novel.


5. Model learning through living


Children are able to learn much from their parents.

Hence, talk to them about your work; show them how you resolve problems and let them know the way you pursue your passion and follow you dreams. Doing so, your child will feel free to learn and grow continually.


6. Relax and trust in child's natural ability to learn


According to many parents, formal instruction and scheduling classed starting are very important for their children in babyhood. Yet, it is not matter. Your child can learn everything by himself/herself. He not only learns to walk without your help but also knows how to speak through watching and communicating.


7. Ask questions or turn questions back to them


One of useful ways for the children's discovery is giving out questions to children. The questions can be very simple such as "What do you think that bird is doing?" or "Where do you think that ship came from?" Moreover, turning their question back on them is also good for children's thought and reaction. When the children raise question: "why birds migrate south for the winter?" you can ask him or her "That's a good question. Do you have any ideas?"


8. Reduce structure to provide freedom to expand


It is necessary to have free time for children at any ages to read, discovery or absorb. They seem having nothing to do, however, in fact, they are exploring their world themselves. Overscheduled children frequently are not enough energy to discovery what they like.


Christe Bruderlin-Nelson's work is in over 50 print publications and all over the Web. She is a member of the National Association of Science Writers, the Association of Healthcare Journalists and the American Medical Writers Association.

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